introducing my 2017 Radical REcovery Group

Do you feel stuck in your recovery from childhood abuse?  Does it feel like you've been working on it for years and not gaining any ground? Are you tired of feeling like your childhood abuse is a heavy burden that you carry around day after day after day?

Are you ready for 2017 to be the year where you make incredible progress in your recovery? Is now the time to dig deeply into the after effects of your childhood abuse so you can kick them to the curb? Are you ready to feel more freedom, less pain and so much more love? Are you tired of making this recovery journey without much support, or even alone? Do you want to be part of a group of women who are as committed to helping you with your recovery as they are their own? If so, you're ready for my 2017 Radical Recovery Group!


What is the 2017 Radical Recovery Group?

My 2017 Radical Recovery Group is a private, secret Facebook group ONLY for those adult survivors of childhood abuse who are ready to transform their recovery over these next 12 months.

Part of the power of the group will be that we are all moving in the same direction and wanting to accomplish the same goal: kicking our recovery into high gear and making enormous strides toward living the life we deserve.

This will not be a large group where people get lost. The group will never exceed 25 members. Each of you will get the help you need to make 2017 your best year yet in your recovery.

This is notsupport group, although support will be freely and authentically given. This is a working/coaching group. I expect all of us, myself included, to take action and stretch themselves in new and better ways.

How Will The Group Work?

Every Monday I will make and post a video exclusively for the Radical Recovery Group. The group will explain the topic for the week and give you enough information about it that you not only understand the topic but feel like you have some actionable steps you can take RIGHT THEN to make progress with this issue in your recovery.

On Wednesday I will post a question in the group, prompting everyone to think even deeper about how this issue might affect their recovery. This is a time for reflection, greater understanding, and also asking for clarification. Hopefully reading through everyone else's responses will also bring you into a greater understanding of the topic.

On Friday I'll ask you to list one step you're going to take toward resolving this issue in your life. This is the "rubber meets the road" stage. How will you commit to pushing your recovery to a new level in regards to this particular issue?

In between these days, and any day, members will be able to ask questions and also update us on how they are implementing changes in their lives.



How do I know if this group is a good fit for me?

First and foremost, are you ready to take massive action in your recovery journey this year? Will you commit to watching each video, answering each question and setting goals for yourself?

Are you willing to provide unconditional support to the other women in the group? Recovery doesn't happen in a vacuum. When we share our journey with others and help them along on their path we all experience a powerful benefit. Will you support, laugh with, cry with and build a true sisterhood with your fellow group members?

Do you want access to my three decades of experience and knowledge as both a survivor of abuse and as a therapist and coach? In this group, my brain is your brain. I'll be in there every day encouraging, explaining, supporting and teaching.

How do I join?

If you're ready to make 2017 the year you make huge strides in your recovery, you're willing to do the work necessary to make that happen, and you're ready to do that within a sisterhood of women headed in that direction then I'd love to have you in the group!

I'm committed to keeping costs low for survivors. Groups are not only a very effective way of helping survivors recovery, but they are a very cost effective way of doing so. This group is only $34 a month, the same as Drop in Group Coaching Chat program. For $34 a month you get unlimited access to me along with the best knowledge I know to help you move forward in your recovery. And you get the power of our group's sisterhood behind you.

To join simply hit the Subscribe button and sign up. When PayPal let's me know that you're set up I'll add you to the Facebook group. Activities in the group start on January 30th, so join now. You don't want to miss a moment!

If you don't like the group you can quit at any time, no questions asked. But, I promise, this is going to be EPIC!